How to Get a Lot Done as a Naptime Hustling Business Owner with Littles

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Being a single mama now, I am literally living the naptime hustle as I write this very blog post!! 

For reasons I won’t go into, Addi was unable to go to preschool this year which means I’ve been running this business 99.99999% of the time with at least one kiddo in tow while flying solo.

Deep breath Kase.

I had a student ask a little while back if I’d offer some tips on how to build an empire while also being a hustling mom of little people. I was happy to oblige because this is something I can definitely talk about for hours on end.

One tip I share on the podcast is to prioritize. Prioritizing ‘what’ you work on can change everything, including how productive you are which also impacts how much money you can make.

Did you know that the typical business owner wastes the majority of their time on tasks that don’t make an impact? When I found out about this little golden nugget it changed everything. 

In this episode you will hear hear more about prioritizing and how to do this so you are focusing on the ‘right’ things while you spend your precious time working, you will learn how to juggle kids while also running a business like a boss, and how to find time to work even when it feels like it doesn’t exist.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

  • The key to running a successful business while also caring after little people
  • How to get as much done in as little time as possible
  • How to find the most important thing to be working on right now
  • How to include your children in your business
  • The motivation you need to stick with it, especially when you feel like giving up!

Mentioned on the Show:

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